Auditions for Years 8-13 ‘Into the Woods’ will be held week beginning Monday 9th September. Please sign up on the notice board for your audition times.


Year 7 are welcome to join our chorus (please sign sheet outside Performing Arts office).

Below are the links and songs expected for auditions. You must ACT these when performing as though you are the character. Think about what the character is feeling and if possible please learn the words. Words will not be provided during the audition. When rehearsing only use the links provided and not other versions.

‘Agony’: Please use link to practise if you are looking to audition for the Prince

‘Our little world’: please use link to practice if you are looking to audition for any princess, Witch, Bakers wife or Jacks Mother

‘Into the woods’: Please use the link to practice if you are looking to audition for Red Riding hood, Narrators, or Florinda or Lucinda (start at 3minutes and 10 seconds into the song finishing at 3.46)

‘Giants in the sky’: Please use the link to practice if you are looking to audition for Jack or the Baker (start at 2.57)

Dance Team Auditions

Monday Lunchtime – sign up on noticeboard by Drama/Dance office.

Please prepare a 30 – 45 second dance to ‘Into the Woods’ prologue song. You may do this as a solo or in small groups (no more than 5).

Dance kit should be worn.