All this month we have been using prayer and collective worship to focus on the theme of Mission – in prayer to begin the day, student led collective worship in tutor time, assemblies and more. With the month of mission being in October we have been able to introduce praying the rosary to many of our new cohort who join us in the Chapel, and encourage us all to reap the benefits of this unique form of prayer for personal mission. As well as attending the Diocesan Education Mass, we also organised our own Camino Partnership Mass which brought together pupils, staff, governors and parishioners from the 12 schools in our partnership. We celebrated our shared mission in Catholic Education with each school contributing to the Mass in some capacity.

Our final and most unique project for mission has been taking place in the school Chapel, with students exploring mission in 2019 here in our own community and the wider world. We looked at a hunger cloth from 1999 that was designed in the Americas, and decided it would be a worthwhile project to come up with one for 2019 – a mission cloth that displayed the challenges and successes of our time. The students have designed the cloth and are painting it in stages. Hopefully it will be finished soon and we can share it with everyone.

Mr Robinson
Lay Chaplain