Below are a number of downloads to help reflect on the final few days of Holy Week culminating in our celebration of the resurrection of Christ at Easter. It seems a striking paradox between on Maundy Thursday to look at the work of those who lovingly serve the sick and vulnerable with the image of a lowly servant washing the feet of the disciples. The idea of service that Jesus so visually tried to get across on the eve of his death, is one that seeks no recognition or affirmation, it is simply an act of care and love. In much the same way, those who are showing such patience and love towards those feeling the effects of Covid-19 are disciples of Christ in 2020. Their selfless generosity and willingness to serve epitomises ‘love of neighbour’.

Holy Week at Home – Full Week

Gardens and Holy Week 2020

A Walk in Holy Week 2020

These downloads feature a mixture of scripture based reflection and prayer, moments of silence, as well as practical ways of engagement. I hope you find some way of bringing the journey of Christ in Holy Week into your homes, in such unusual times do not be afraid, Christ lives in our hearts and our faith is the instrument to stay strong.

Mr M Robinson
Lay Chaplain