Saint Gregory’s welcomed 20 students from Ecuador for an integration programme from 20 – 23 March 2023.

The Spanish speaking students, aged between 12 and 17 years, joined lessons across Years 9, 10 & 12, experiencing a wide range of subject classes across the curriculum.

Opportunity to share and learn about each other’s countries, languages and cultures took place, with friendships being formed between the Ecuadorian students and their classmates and buddies at Saint Gregory’s.  The Ecuadorian students were presented with certificates by the Headteacher, Ms Cusack, at the end of their stay, in recognition of their time at Saint Gregory’s.

Saint Gregory’s has a strong commitment to global learning with internationalism being firmly embedded across the school.  Through international learning and activities, students gain skills for life and work in the global world.

Miss Medcroft, International Co-ordinator